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CSUDH offers Certificate Awards for students who complete three graduate level courses from the MSQA program and the appropriate capstone course. The student may take these courses through "open university" thus need not be enrolled in the MSQA program. Each student who satisfactorily completes a non-credit capstone course and the associated three graduate level credit courses from the MSQA program will be provided with a Certificate Award.
The course will serve as a review of the ten major elements of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Engineer examination. The course is offered in cooperation with the Los Angeles Section 0700 can help you prepare for the ASQ Certification. This certification is a recognized professional accomplishment bound to enhance your career and personal marketability. Sample questions for applications and principles will be of a similar format as they appear on the ASQ examination.
NBQA 702 is scheduled upon request. Please contact the MSQA Office at or 310-243-3880 if you would like to take the course.